Monday, November 17, 2008

Time for Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving. It has always been my favorite holiday. I love food yes, but it's but it's more than that. I love the crisp, blue skies and vibrant, falling leaves that accompany fall and welcome in winter. And I love that it truly is a time of Thanks, for I have much to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for family and campfires and smores and the woods,

I'm thankful that this is my view out my kitchen window... Timp is so beautiful,

I'm thankful I have a very comfortable bed (you can't look over the little things....)

I'm thankful for the sweet cherub that has entered my life.......

And I'm thankful for a good many other things as well.... the list could go on, but I'll keep it short.
I'm grateful for THANKSGIVING.


welovebees said...

YEAAH!!! I LOVE HIM. I'm going to copy your post because it is a cute idea.

Rachael said...

I love thanksgiving too! and I agree, a comfy bed is definitely something to be thankful for. :)

Fordney said...

HE is getting so big and cute. I can't wait to see him next week. I think he is looking more like Andy...

Nathan said...

Sarah! I am thankful for YOU! You are my favorite--absolutely no questions--my favorite sister-in-law! You are beautiful and so is your son!

cathy said...

How sweet-I love Thanksgiving. I too have a very long list Maxwell is such a cute combination of Andy and you. How cute! I'm so happy for you guys!

martha corinna said...

That little boy is such a perfect combination of you and Andy. Perfect I say.

karensdanglingconversation said...

And I am thankful for you, cute Sara! We miss you so much around here, but we know you are where you need to be! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Love ya!