Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Most days when I arrive at work, and before I start grinding away at day's tasks, I read my sister's blog. I also check to see if my baby brother Timmy has recently posted any "deep thoughts by Jack Handy" and I usually see if my older brother Nate has posted anything as well.

Although I have poked fun at those who manage and keep blogs, I have come to see some benefits. For example, it seems like it is a very good way to mass communicate with those with whom you can't call often. Also, it can double as a sort of journal to chronicle life's events. This is appealing because my wife and I have spoken about trying to write down memories from our lives which sooner or later will fade and will not be available for recall.

So, I have set up this blog with the hopes of possibly posting weekly.


sarahlouise said...

I never thought I'd see the day come where my husband would create and maintain a blog. I guess if you left it up to me though, we'd never have a blog. Good job honey :)

martha corinna said...


When you are pregnant and moody you can use profanity. But only around your semi-profane brother.

Fordney said...

A real deep thought from Jack Handy:
"If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Shayleen Lunt said...

Can I read too? I love that most (well 1/2) of the Wright kids have blogs! Hooray!

Nathan said...

Hey Varner--So you started a blog, and wrightfully so... Can't wait to see what comes next. Hey, I have some legal questions to discuss with you...Counsel, please approach the bench.